It's great that you're interested in our products and it's great that you find nanotechnology as fascinating as we are. In the following, you will be introduced to some products that differ in how deep you want to delve into the subject of nanotechnology and which teaching subject you are particularly interested in.
If you want to delve deeper into the subject and gain a comprehensive overview of nanotechnology, we recommend the NanoSchoolBox, with 19 experiments and 5 demo objects on nanotechnology, particularly suitable for any science class.
If you are looking for specific teaching materials for chemistry lessons, we recommend the "Nano Experiment kit for Chemistry lessons". The experiment box contains 11 experiments to bring you and your students closer to the fascinating world of chemical nanotechnology.
If, on the other hand, you are looking for special teaching materials for physics lessons, we recommend the "Nano Experiment kit for Physics lessons". The experiment box contains 6 experiments and 4 demo objects that give you and your students an insight into the fascinating world of physical nanotechnology.
Our NanoSchoolKits illuminate another side of nanotechnology, from interesting surface properties, to the use of nanoscale gold, to the use of ferromagnetic liquids. The NanoSchoolKits are therefore ideal for project days.
Only availabe in German!
Zu guter Letzt möchten wir Sie speziell mit einem Nanotechnologiekasten vertraut machen, den wir in Kooperation mit dem KOSMOS Verlag entwickelt haben. Hier findet man eine ganze Reihe erstaunlicher Versuche zu den Themengebieten Größen und Oberflächen, wasseranziehend und wasserabweisend, schwebende Teilchen, Tyndall-Effekt oder das Geheimnis des Gecko. Über 40 Versuche, mit einer kindgerechten Versuchsbeschreibung sowie illustriert durch eine Vielzahl an Bildern, eignet sich dieser Experimentierkasten bevorzugt für die Grundschule bzw. die Sekundarstufe 1.